Using Widgets

Widgets provide you with full customer context in one place

We’ve made it easier for you to access key customer details in a single place! This means you won’t need to navigate away from the conversation to find the account information you need. 

Along the right-side panel of the Conversations page, you will see various widgets that capture relevant details that will help you have more informed conversations with your contacts. Here’s how you can see the widgets that are available: 

  • Navigate to, and click on the desired contact card
  • Directly under the contact’s profile information, select “Widgets” in the toggle (if not already in the expanded view)
  • All available widgets will appear on the right side of your screen including Overview, Timeline, Eligibles/Subscribers, Opportunities, and more. 

Overview Widget

You will be able to see basic details about this contact here (e.g. BAN ID, Sales Rep, Store).
Note: For users of the previous version of our platform, this information has moved from the Account Profile page.

Eligibles/Subscribers Widget

You will be able to see the eligible products, plans, or services for this account, by subscriber/phone number.
Note: For users of the previous version of our platform, this information has moved from the Account Profile page.

Timeline Widget

You will be able to view the full history of the conversation and the historical purchases, activities, and events that happened in this widget. 

Opportunities Widget 

You will be able to add, edit, or view all business opportunities tied to this customer so you can get a holistic understanding of all open opportunities.
Tip: Remember to add reminders/events to your calendar so that you don’t miss the windows of opportunity to follow-up or make a sale!

There will be even more widgets available in future updates of the platform! 

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